This journey around the construction and erosion of knowledge, meditates on human historic practices with a multifaceted perspective, and is manifested through laser interventions on a series of collected books.

Exploring the broad implications of dominant knowledge, revisiting scientific tools to think of views on the Earth as a living system, this journey searches for the idea of resilience. Contradictory suggestions, between longing for scientific redemption, ecological grief and fear for an apocalyptic near future, create a sense of ambiguity that permeates the whole series of book interventions.
The work was developed during an artistic residence at Wageningen University and Research, through August-October 2018, in the occasion of the Creative Innovation program celebrating 100 years of Science at Wageningen.
The research departed from the notion of sensing Earth’s motion, and the urge for finding new ways of learning towards a more resilient environment. The residency included the participation on the Earth Futures symposium on October 19th, at WUR.
Special thanks to Francisco Presas Basalo, Mareva Meulemans, Louis B. Clarke, to all scientists that I have met at WUR, Fernanda Ayaviri Matuk, Maarten Smulders, Gerlinde de Deyn, Esther Turnhout, Aarti Gupta and to Marcel van Dijk from the FabLab Wag.
Read also the blog Sensing Tipping Points, by Ludmila Rodrigues.