Scenography commissioned by Skånes Dansteater (Malmö) / Dance Forum Taipei (Taiwan), choreographed by Marina Mascarell.
The stage of Second Landscape embraces the concept of ‘liquid modernity’ from sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (1925–2017) to render a volatile world. The fluid, metamorphic landscape of inflating/deflating objects – “blobs”– reflect the instability and fragmentation of our world views. While the dancers manipulate the blobs, constantly transforming the stage, these objects become bodies, gaining a certain character and behavior. At the same time, they provide a physical, though ephemeral surface where live footage is projected onto, like swaying silver screens.

Air blows life into otherwise inanimate objects. The blobs don’t always respond the way we expect or the way we want them to move. It was a research in itself to have them being inflated, deflated, appearing and disappearing on the stage. I truly admire how much effort the dancers have put into developing a relationship with the blobs. Everything on stage might seem very natural and fluid, but there’s an enormous amount of work in mastering these large bodies of air.
Creative team
Direction: Marina Mascarell
Choreography: Mascarell, Nina Botkay & Skånes dancers
Music: Yamila Ríos
Scenography: Ludmila Rodrigues with Atelier Bekker
Videography: Francesc Isern
Dramaturgy: Riikka Laakso
Costume Design: Nina Botkay
Light Design: Mårten K. Axelsson
Repetitor: Mattias Suneson
Produced by Skånes Dansteater
Coproduced by Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona & Korzo Productions, The Hague

Due to the pandemic, the premiere was postponed in Malmö, but a new version was carried out by the Dance Forum Taipei and premiered on October 31st, 2020.