Set design for dance piece by Marina Mascarell, Korzo Theater, in collaboration with NDT-Nederlands Dans Theater, Dance Forum Taipei and Mercat de les Flors.

Three structures are choreographed in synergy with the dancers. They morph in a myriad of contours and volumes, creating new contexts for each scene. The simplicity of the geometry is the key for the multitude of transformations and new meanings. The carbon fiber structures, being extremely lightweight, are easily manipulated by the performers, and oscillate between props and architectural space.
European promo:
World premiere at Cadance Festival, Korzo Theater, The Hague, on 27th Jan 2017. On tour through the Netherlands, Greece (Kalamata Festival), Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Taiwan, 2017-2018.

Performers: Nina Botkay, Eli Cohen, Filippo Domini, Chen-Wei Lee and Maud de la Purification
Composer: Yamila RĂos
Stage design: Ludmila Rodrigues
Costume Designer: Daphna Munz